
Veronica Grignano Cynthia Duan Eva Chima Noure Dalya Selmi Mariam Abdelmalek


Introduction: Global refugee crises have caused a surge in contagious skin infections among refugees, which can be attributed to the lack of clean water and overcrowded conditions within refugee camps that allow infections to spread easily. This research protocol presents a comprehensive approach to addressing skin infections in refugee camps through the Hygiene for Health (HFH) initiative. HFH consists of a Slow Sand Filtration (SSF) system utilizing graphite oxide-coated sand and a team of volunteers for education and monitoring.

Methods: The study evaluates the viability and efficacy of HFH in refugee camps. The slow sand filtration system utilizing graphite oxide (GO) coated sand is a novel approach to water purification. The unique properties of GO-coated sand make it highly effective in removing contaminants. The study will implement 10 GO SSF systems in refugee camps where skin infection is a concern, to evaluate their effectiveness in improving water quality and reducing skin infections. Volunteers will play a crucial role in the study, with one group focused on education and community empowerment while the other monitors the impact of the initiative.

Anticipated Results: Projected results expect GO SSF systems to reduce bacterial skin infections among refugees by improving water quality.

Discussion: The HFH approach is specific and practical, making it suitable for addressing the refugee health crisis. Moreover, cost analysis demonstrates that despite initial expenses, GO SSF systems offer long-term benefits compared to traditional SSF systems.

Conclusion: Previous research and evidence indicate that HFH will successfully reduce the number of skin infections among refugees by implementing GO SSF.

Abstract 341 | PDF Downloads 139


Research Protocol