
Aws Almir Ahmad Arpana Wadhwani Tiffany Yang Moatter Syed


The University of Ottawa Healthcare Symposium (UOHS) is an annual one-day undergraduate health conference focused on promoting interdisciplinary awareness in the field of health. Through seminars, interactive panel discussions, and a research-based elevator pitch competition, UOHS aims to engage students and foster their interest in healthcare. Founded twelve years ago by undergraduate students, UOHS has grown to become the University of Ottawa's largest healthcare conference, exemplifying its significance and impact. At the heart of UOHS is the renowned Pitch-O-Rama event, held during a seminar block, where participants have the opportunity to deliver clear and engaging elevator pitches on their healthcare-related research to an audience and panel of judges. The primary objective of the Pitch-O-Rama is to encourage students to effectively communicate and share their scientific research with the wider community. In this abstract book, we proudly present the written submissions of the top five participants, highlighting their outstanding contributions and showcasing their ability to articulate the significance of their research. For additional details about UOHS, please visit our website: https://www.uohs-csuo.com/.

Abstract 343 | PDF Downloads 313


Conference Abstract Book