
Clarissa Ngo Rebecca Krnel Linda Mardiros


The Scinapse Undergraduate Science Case Competition (USCC) provides an opportunity for undergraduate students to experience the development of a novel research proposal. A case is presented to all participants and, using in-depth literature search (publications, reports, studies and published writings), students connect and pinpoint key elements allowing them to develop a hypothesis in support of the case in question. Participants also develop a methodology which will test the validity of their hypothesis. This year's case topic focused on antimicrobial resistance as a major threat to global health that requires a complex, multifaceted response. In teams of 2-4, undergraduate students tackled the case and provided novel research ideas that may hold the key to combating the global spread of antimicrobial resistance. In total, the 2019-2020 USCC attracted 694 undergraduate students from 19 universities across Canada and the United States. The top 10% of written submissions are highlighted in this abstract booklet.

Abstract 2194 | PDF Downloads 1706


Conference Abstract Book