
Dominic Cyr Jamie Ghossein Rashida Rajgara


The Scinapse Undergraduate Science Case Competition (USCC) provides an opportunity for undergraduate students to experience the development of a novel research proposal. A case is presented to all participants and, using in-depth literature search (publications, reports, studies and published writings), students connect and pinpoint key elements allowing them to develop a hypothesis in support of the case in question. Participants also develop a methodology which will test the validity of their hypothesis. This year’s case topic was inspired by the recent legalization of cannabis in Canada. This controversial topic provided an opportunity for participants to explore research proposals focused on either the health aspect of cannabis or the potential harm posed by its use. In teams of 2-4, undergraduate students tackled the case and provided novel research ideas, which may hold the key to many unanswered questions regarding the positive and negative aspects of cannabis use. In total, the 2018-2019 USCC attracted 861 undergraduate students from 14 universities across Canada and the United States. The top 25% of written submissions from each participating campus are highlighted in this abstract booklet.

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Conference Abstract Book